Divorce – A Short History

Most of the posts on this blog offer practical information and tips about the divorce process in Alaska. They also contain basic information about the laws that guide lawyers in advising their clients about property, spousal support, child support and custody issues. 

However, for those readers who are interested in learning a little about the history of divorce, I suggest reading the Smithsonian Institution’s “The Heartbreaking History of Divorce.” This article speeds through the history of divorce in early civilized society through the modern no-fault approach to divorce. 

The no-fault approach has been adopted in Alaska. It allows a spouse to obtain a divorce by filing a divorce complaint that alleges an incompatibility of temperament.

No-fault divorce eliminates the requirement that a spouse prove fault-based grounds for divorce, such as mental cruelty or abandonment. I happened to find this article while searching for definitions of divorce-related legal terms to add to the written information I give to new clients.

Posted in: Divorce